Get to know your growers on a deeper level through collaborative opportunities and platforms. Spend more time making a difference for your growers and less time collecting data. Build better relationships with your growers by tracking each decision year-over-year to create an effective, long-term, field management plan.
Determine your flight cadence for the season and provide your field boundaries and planting dates.
We scan your fields acre-by-acre throughout the season and gather data at submillimeter resolution.
Visualize and prioritize your in-season needs and plan for next season with your advisor.
Ready to transform your operation?
Taranis Crop Intelligence turns leaf-level data into actionable insights. Read your fields from the palm of your hand. Make decisions with more certainty and speed than ever before. And have a more informed discussion with your advisor to preserve your hard-earned, farm legacy. Fill out the form below to get started.